Weddings & Special Events Venue
Variable-Please call for rates.
Refundable damage/security deposit (No credit cards): $1,000
A $400 fee applies to all cancellations prior to sixty (60) days of the event.
If cancelled within sixty (60) days of event, prepaid rental fees are non-refundable.
For Special Events, contact:
Renee Hirsh | 858.405.9734 |

Available for:
Special Events
Art Fairs & More
Amenities include:
Accommodations for guests
up to 175
2500 Square Feet Floor
Elevated Stage
Kitchen (Non-Commercial)
Outside Patio
Private Parking
Available 10:15 am to 11pm
Signs Announcing Your Event
A sign announcing your event may be placed at the end of the driveway, next to Soledad Road.
Caterers must provide proof of liability insurance naming Soledad Club as additional insured. If alcoholic beverages are being served as a no host bar, provider must have an ABC permit on-site. Bar service vendors must submit a certificate of LIQUOR liability insurance naming Soledad Club as additional insured.
You may serve hard alcoholic beverages to your guests (wine, champagne, beer and hard liquor). Beer kegs are allowed on the outside deck only. No bar shots are allowed. All alcoholic beverages must be served at the bar from certified bartenders or caterer that holds the insurance certificate. Alcohol must be served in a glass. Please insure that people under age 21 are not served alcoholic beverages. No host bar service must have proper ABC permits.
Soledad Club is a no smoking venue.
Bridal Room Available
The Lower Level Bridal room is available for an additional $250.00 fee. It must be left how as it was found with trash can(s) empty. Use of stationary Arbor complimentary with venue rental. All arbor decorations must be removed.
Candles are allowed inside the building but must be protected by votives or hurricane lamps.
Children are welcome at our facility under the constant supervision of adults. Our lower level lounge may be made available for childcare, with adult supervision and advance notice to the Special Events Director. An additional $100 fee will be charged. No jumping tents allowed.
Decorations are allowed. Courtesy set up of decorations may be honored the night before event. It must be arranged with venue manager ahead of time. Masking tape or other types of adhesive are acceptable, subject to:
Removal before you leave the facility
No permanent marks or damage to exposed surfaces (walls, floors, ceilings, doors etc.)
Music – Strictly Enforced
Amplified music is allowed inside the building by the stage area only.
While the music is playing, all north-facing doors must remain shut.
Entertainment must comply with City of San Diego noise ordinances. (< 55 dB up to 9:30 PM)
All music ceases at 9:30pm
Soledad Club Event Representative
Included in the rental fee is an event representative, responsible for enforcing rental contract rules and assisting guests and vendors as needed during portions of the event.
After You Have Finished
Overnight Storage of Personal or Rental Items
All equipment, goods and personal belongings (including rental materials) must be removed from the building, prior to 11 PM.
It is expected that you will leave the premises in satisfactory condition prior to the arrival of the cleaning crew. If the premises require more than “ordinary” cleaning, excess cleaning fees may apply.
Note: All rules and policies are subject to change without advanced notice.