Soledad Club Facilities
Located across the street from Kate Sessions Park, the Soledad Club was built in 1963. There are several rooms within the building, useful for different types of functions. The outside deck has a beautiful view of the ocean and bay. Because the building is located in a very quiet residential neighborhood, we are committed to maintaining the serenity and peacefulness of this neighborhood. Next to the building, is a parking lot with space for fifty cars.
The Facilities
- 50-space parking lot.
- Additional parking on the street.
- All vehicles must be parked within marked spaces.
- Fire regulations require that areas not marked as parking spaces remain open and available for emergency vehicle use.
Our main room is a 2,500 square feet auditorium, with a stage area. This room can easily accommodate 175 people seated at tables.
On the lower level is the downstairs room, which can accommodate about 80 people. This room is carpeted and furnished with comfortable chairs. There is a small kitchen with a refrigerator and microwave but no stove. One unisex bathroom is located in this room.
Approximates dimensions are:
- Main room: 50 feet by 50 feet.
- Surf Room: 36 feet by 40 feet.
- Downstairs room is approximately 26 feet by 35 feet
There are four bathrooms upstairs and one downstairs. Please insure that your guests do not place diapers, feminine products or paper towels into the toilets; these items should be properly wrapped and placed in the trash cans provided.
Floor Plans
Upper Level

Lower Level
- View of the ocean and bay from the outside deck
- Adjacent to the main room is a kitchen, with a stove, refrigerator and microwave, all of which may be used by renters.
- There are four bathrooms upstairs, two of them located on either side of the stage, two located in the Surf Room.
For more information, or to make a reservation:
- Call Renee Hirsh
at (858) 405-9734. - Email Renee Hirsh